Awakening Hearts to Love, Elevating Collective Consciousness, and Transforming the Human Journey


Rick Gregory - As a fellow traveler through life, learning and unlearning, one constant has remained: the profound joy in giving back. My journey has led me to the belief and “knowing” that we aren't “human beings having a spiritual experience on this earth, but spiritual beings having a human experience.”

Today, I understand that living a life of true happiness, joy, and freedom, begins when we awaken from our unconsciousness and realize that we have never been separated from our Creator or from one another. Grasping this truth “personally” will change our lives. Grasping it “collectively,” will change the world.

As a Certified Spiritual Life Coach, my deepest aspiration is to aid others on their journeys of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual awakening. I extend an invitation for you to join me on this road of learning to love yourself so that together, we may love this world awake.